Philodendron verrucosum

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Philodendron verrucosum is a tropical species of Philodendron much sought after by plant lovers for its spectacular velvety leaves and contrasting veins of bright color. Native to the rainforests of Central and South America, particularly regions such as Ecuador, this Philodendron is prized for its exotic allure and its ability to add a touch of lush jungle to any interior space.

Origin: Philodendron verrucosum grows naturally in the undergrowth of tropical rainforests, where it benefits from the high humidity and light filtered through the canopy.
Growth: This plant is moderate-growing and can reach an imposing size under the right conditions, with leaves that can extend to 60 cm in length or more. Philodendron verrucosum is a climber that will benefit from support such as a mossy stake or post to hang on to and climb.
Flowers: Like other members of the Araceae family, Philodendron verrucosum can produce spathe and spadix inflorescences, but flowering is rare in indoor cultivation and flowers are not generally considered the plant's main feature.
Light: Prefers bright indirect light, simulating the filtered light of its natural habitat. Avoid direct sunlight, which can burn its delicate leaves.
Watering: Requires regular watering to keep the substrate evenly moist, but not soggy. Good drainage is crucial to prevent root rot. High humidity is also important for this plant, so consider using a humidifier or placing the plant on a tray of moist pebbles.
Substrate: A well-draining mix is essential. Use a mix of organic-rich potting soil with perlite, vermiculite or sphagnum moss to improve drainage and retain moisture.
Temperature: Prefers warm temperatures and avoids cold draughts. Protect from temperatures below 15°C.
Toxicity: Toxic plant.

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