Philodendron 'Ring of Fire'

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Philodendron 'Ring of Fire' is an exceptional hybrid variety of Philodendron, highly prized for its spectacular foliage. This plant stands out for its multi-coloured leaves that display an impressive array of colours, ranging from green, yellow, orange, red and even pink, giving the impression that the edges of the leaves are inflamed, hence its name 'Ring of Fire'. Each leaf is unique, making each specimen of this variety a work of art in itself.

Origin: Although the Philodendron 'Ring of Fire' is the result of horticultural breeding and not a species found in the wild, Philodendrons in general are native to the tropical regions of Central and South America. This variety was specifically bred for its highly decorative foliage.

Growth: 'Ring of Fire' is moderate to slow growing and can grow into a relatively tall plant in indoor cultivation, with leaves that can grow to an impressive size. It is a semi-climbing plant that, with the right support, can add an interesting vertical dimension to a living space.

Flowers: As with many Philodendrons grown primarily for their foliage, the flowers of 'Ring of Fire' are relatively rare and secondary to the visual appeal of its colorful leaves.

Light: This strain prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate lower light levels. Insufficient light can reduce the intensity of foliage colors, while direct sun exposure can cause burns on the leaves.

Watering: Watering should be regular, allowing the substrate to dry well on the surface between waterings. Philodendron 'Ring of Fire' likes a moist environment, but it is crucial to avoid saturation to prevent root rot.

Substrate: A well-draining potting soil mix is ideal. Use enriched houseplant substrate to promote good drainage while maintaining the necessary moisture.

Toxicity: Like other members of the Philodendron family, 'Ring of Fire' contains calcium oxalate crystals, making it potentially irritating and toxic if ingested. It is advisable to keep it out of reach of children and pets.

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