Philodendron melinonii 'Green

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Philodendron melinonii 'Green' is non-climbing and has large, dark green, oblong-triangular waxy leaves with clearly defined veins that can easily grow to 19" (48 cm) long and are supported by a thick petiole that can vary in color from coppery red to pale green. In its natural habitat, it can be seen atop trees like a crown, making it a philodendron that can tolerate direct sunlight a bit more than others. It should not be overused, however, as the foliage can yellow and burn. This plant, will grow quite large (4 to 6 feet - 1 to 1.8 m.) in width and height) if conditions are optimal, so allow for space, but also know that you can prune it without any problem to control it.

Family: Araceae
Origin: French Guiana, Suriname, Northern Brazil, Venezuela
Watering: moderate, water when substrate is dry to a depth of 2-3"
Light: intense - medium, but always indirect.
Relative humidity: high
Substrate: organic, well draining and aerated, use our homemade potting soil
Fertilization: once a month during the growing season
Toxicity: toxic for animals

* Please note that each plant is unique and will be different from the one in the photo.

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