Philodendron goeldii

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The Philodendron goeldii is also known as 'Finger Leaf' because of the really singular shape of its leaves. Indeed, this plant has a very particular foliage: with spiral stems, the leaves are spread out like the fingers of a hand, and when they are big, it gives it a palm tree look. This makes it a spectacular plant. It is a medium-growing, non-climbing philodendron that can reach 6 feet (2 m.) in height. Botanists have recently classified it in the genus Thaumatophyllum Spruceanuma, rather than in the Philodendrons following some discoveries.

Family: Araceae
Origin: French Guiana, Colombia
Watering: moderate, water when substrate is dry to a depth of 2-3"
Light: high to medium, always indirect.
Relative humidity: high (can be sprayed every 2-3 days)
Substrate: organic, well draining and aerated, use our homemade potting soil
Fertilization: once a month during the growing season
Toxicity: toxic for animals

* Please note that each plant is unique and will be different from the one in the photo.