Hoya curtisii

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Hoya curtisii is a charming, small succulent climber, much appreciated for its thick leaves and creeping or climbing stems. Its leaves are small and oval, often with silver marbling patterns on a dark green background. It's an ideal plant for hanging baskets or for growing as ground cover in wide, shallow pots.

Origin: Hoya curtisii is native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, notably Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines. It thrives in warm, humid environments, typically under the canopy of tropical forests.

Growth: This Hoya is known for its compact, moderate growth, forming mats or cascades of dense, decorative foliage. Stems can extend for several meters under ideal growing conditions, but generally remain fairly contained indoors.

Flowers: Hoya curtisii produces clusters of small, star-shaped flowers that can be very fragrant. The flowers, often pale yellow with a reddish center, appear mainly in summer, adding further appeal to this already visually interesting plant.

Light: This plant prefers bright indirect light, but can adapt to medium light levels. Too little light can slow growth and reduce flowering, while intense direct light can burn leaves.

Watering: Hoya curtisii, like most Hoyas, requires moderate watering. Allow the substrate to dry out almost completely between waterings. Avoid over-wetting, as this plant is susceptible to root rot if the substrate remains too moist.

Substrate: Use a well-draining mix for succulents, including coconut fiber, bark of various sizes, pumice, perlite and charcoal. This mix ensures excellent drainage while retaining sufficient moisture to support plant growth.

Toxicity: Hoya curtisii is generally considered non-toxic to humans and pets, making it a safe option for home environments.

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