Hoya rosita

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Hoya 'Rosita' is a charming and attractive variety of Hoya, appreciated for its spectacular flowers and glossy foliage. This variant is distinguished by its clusters of bright pink flowers, which are not only eye-catching but also attract plant lovers for their beauty and subtle fragrance.

Origin: Like most Hoyas, Hoya 'Rosita' is native to tropical Asia. This variety has been specifically bred for its ornamental qualities, notably its colorful flowers and climbing habit.

Growth: Hoya 'Rosita' is a climber that can also be grown as a hanging basket plant. It produces long, flexible stems that can be supported by a trellis or left to droop freely. Foliage is dark green, glossy and often pointed at the tips.

Flowers: The major attraction of this Hoya is its flowers. Rosita' produces umbrellas of pink flowers resembling small waxy stars. These flowers can last for several days and are often fragrant, especially in the evening.

Light: This plant prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate moderate light levels. Direct sunlight can be beneficial, but care must be taken not to burn the leaves. Adequate light is essential to stimulate flowering.

Watering: Hoya 'Rosita' requires regular watering throughout the growing season, with partial drying of the substrate between waterings. In winter, reduce watering to let the plant rest.

Substrate: A well-draining mix is crucial for Hoya 'Rosita'. Use a hoya substrate that includes coconut fiber, bark of various sizes, pumice, perlite and charcoal to ensure good drainage and aerate the roots.

Toxicity: Hoya 'Rosita' is generally considered non-toxic to humans and pets, making it suitable for most domestic environments.

Hoya 'Rosita' is ideal for houseplant enthusiasts looking for a Hoya variety with exceptional flowering and attractive foliage. It adds a touch of color and freshness to any space, while being relatively easy to maintain.

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