Hoya lacunosa 'Mint

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Hoya lacunosa 'Mint', a charming variety of Hoya, is prized for its sweet fragrance and attractive foliage. This small climbing or drooping plant is distinguished by its delicate leaves, lightly variegated with mint green, giving it a particularly fresh, luminous appearance.

Origin: Native to Southeast Asia, notably Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, Hoya lacunosa 'Mint' thrives in the humid, warm conditions of tropical forests, where it often grows as an epiphyte on trees.

Growth: This Hoya is relatively fast-growing in ideal conditions, producing slender stems that can spread out or fall back gracefully, making it ideal for growing in hanging baskets or on supports where it can cling and climb.

Flowers: Hoya lacunosa 'Mint' is renowned for its clusters of small, waxy, star-shaped flowers, which are usually white or cream with a yellow or red center. The flowers give off a sweet, pleasant fragrance, especially in the evening, and can appear several times a year with proper care.

Light: This variety of Hoya prefers bright indirect light, but can also thrive in moderate light. Avoid direct sunlight, which could burn the delicate leaves, although a few hours of mild morning sun are beneficial for stimulating flowering.

Watering: Watering should be moderate, allowing the substrate to dry slightly between waterings. Hoya lacunosa 'Mint' prefers constant humidity without saturation, typical of its natural epiphytic habitat.

Substrate: Use a well-draining mix designed for hoyas plants, including coconut fiber, bark of various sizes, pumice, perlite and charcoal. This type of substrate helps prevent water stagnation and root rot while providing an aerated support.

Toxicity: Hoya lacunosa 'Mint' is generally considered non-toxic to humans and pets, making it safe for use in domestic environments.

Hoya lacunosa 'Mint' is an exquisite addition to any houseplant collection, especially for those who appreciate fragrant flowering plants. With its delicate variegated foliage and fragrant flowers, it offers visual and olfactory appeal, ideal for uplifting the mood of any interior space.

Our in-house potting soil for Hoya