Hoya new guinea ghost

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Hoya 'New Guinea Ghost' is a captivating variety of Hoya, appreciated for its unique foliage and fragrant flowers. Hoyas, often called wax plants because of the waxy appearance of their flowers, are climbing or drooping plants highly prized by houseplant enthusiasts for their ease of cultivation and beauty.

Origin: As its name suggests, Hoya 'New Guinea Ghost' is associated with New Guinea, a region known for its exceptional biodiversity. However, Hoyas are native to vast tropical and subtropical areas, including Southeast Asia, Australia and the Pacific islands.

Growth: This variety is distinguished by its spectacular foliage, which can appear almost translucent or a ghostly pale green, hence the name "Ghost". The leaves are large, thick and fleshy, adapted to retain water, making the plant tolerant of occasional periods of drought.

Flowers: Hoya 'New Guinea Ghost' produces umbels of star-shaped flowers, typical of the Hoya genus. These flowers are often fragrant, especially at night, attracting natural pollinators. Flower color can vary, but they frequently feature a contrasting center or colored markings.

Light: Prefer bright but indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves, while a lack of light can limit the plant's growth and flowering.

Watering: Watering should be moderate. It is advisable to let the substrate dry out partially between waterings, then water abundantly. In winter, reduce watering to correspond to a resting period.

Substrate: A well-draining mix is crucial, providing both aeration and drainage.

Toxicity: Hoyas are generally considered non-toxic to humans and pets, making them safe for cultivation in home environments.