Monstera karstenianum Peru f. variegata

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Monstera karstenianum 'Peru' variegata, also known as Monstera sp. Peru 'Variegata', is a rare plant sought after by collectors for its unique foliage. This variegata variant is distinguished by its textured, leathery leaves featuring a variegated pattern of white, cream and green, giving each leaf a visually captivating appearance.

Origin: Although the specific details of its origin are less well documented, Monstera karstenianum is generally considered to have originated in the tropical forests of Central America.

Growth: Monstera 'Peru' variegata is a climber that can achieve substantial growth under the right care. It prefers to be supported by a stake or trellis to encourage its vertical development, showcasing its spectacular variegated leaves.

Flowers: Like other plants in the Monstera genus, it can theoretically produce spathe-shaped flowers, similar to those of other members of the Araceae family, but these occurrences are rare in indoor cultivation and generally insignificant compared to its foliage.

Light: This plant prefers medium to bright indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn its leaves, especially the variegated parts, while insufficient light can reduce the vividness of the variegation.

Watering: Watering should be regular, allowing the substrate to dry out slightly between waterings. Monstera 'Peru' variegata is sensitive to waterlogging, so good drainage is crucial to prevent root rot.

Substrate: Use a well-draining mix for tropical plants. A substrate enriched with coconut fiber, bark of various sizes, pumice, perlite and charcoal is ideal for maintaining the necessary drainage while retaining sufficient moisture to support its growth.

Toxicity: Like most plants in the Araceae family, Monstera 'Peru' variegata contains calcium oxalate crystals which can be toxic if ingested, making the plant potentially dangerous for children and pets.

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