Monstera adansonii f. variegata

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Also known as Monstera Swiss Cheese or Monkey Mask, Monstera adansonii f. variegata rarely goes unnoticed thanks to its large, white-speckled heart-shaped leaves that develop holes as the plant ages (in a process called fenestration). It will look great in a hanging basket or on used as a climber. Monstera adansonii f. variegata likes its soil to never dry out completely, but it is sensitive to excess water. Therefore, it is necessary to dose properly. Leaves that turn brown or yellow may indicate a problem with watering. Monstera adansonii f. variegata is a fast-growing plant and its size can be easily controlled by pruning. In its natural habitat, this plant grows in a humid environment, under larger plants, so it will not like to be exposed to direct sunlight, which could burn its leaves.

Monstera deliciosa has larger leaves that also have fenestrations, but its leaves are also cut, which is not the case for Monstera adansonii f. variegata.

Family : Araceae
Origin : Central and South America
Watering : let the substrate dry between waterings, but do not let it dry out completely
Light : intense to medium, indirect
Relative humidity : high.
Substrate : draining and aerated, use our potting soil for tropical plants
Fertilization : every 2 weeks during the growth period
Toxicity : toxic for animals

* Please note that each plant is unique and will be different from the one in the photo.

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