Hoya obovata f. variegata

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Hoya obovata f. variegata is a magnificent variety of Hoya obovata, well known for its variegated foliage and impressive blooms. This climbing or drooping plant is particularly appreciated for its decorative appearance, whether for its broad, fleshy leaves, often marked with white or cream spots, or for its fragrant, waxy flowers.

Origin: Hoya obovata is native to tropical Asia, notably India, Thailand and Indonesia. The variegata form adds further appeal to this already highly decorative species, thanks to its variegated foliage.

Growth: Hoya obovata f. variegata has thick, succulent, obovate leaves, with variegation that can vary from leaf to leaf, making each plant unique. The plant can develop long stems that lend themselves well to growing in suspension or on a support that allows the plant to climb.

Flowers: Like the type species, this variety produces umbels of small, star-shaped flowers, often pink or white with a reddish center, which can appear all year round under optimal growing conditions. The flowers give off a sweet fragrance, especially in the evening.

Light: Prefer bright but indirect exposure. Too much direct sun can burn leaves, while insufficient light can reduce flowering and variegation.

Watering: Watering should be moderate. It is advisable to let the substrate dry out partially between waterings, but not to let the plant dry out completely. Reduce watering in winter.

Substrate: A well-draining mix is essential to avoid root rot. An orchid mix or an aerated substrate suitable for epiphytic plants is ideal.

Toxicity: Hoyas are generally considered non-toxic to humans and pets, making them safe choices for home environments.