Monstera acacoyaguensis

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Monstera acacoyaguensis is an attractive houseplant, appreciated for its lush, exotic foliage. It can be grown as a houseplant or a climber, depending on your preferences and the space available. Make sure you give it the right care in terms of watering and light so that it thrives.

Origin: Monstera acacoyaguensis is native to the tropical regions of Central and South America.
Watering: It appreciates moderate watering. Allow the top layer of soil to dry slightly between waterings.
Brightness: This plant prefers bright light, but avoid direct sunlight, which could burn its leaves.
Substrate: Use a well-drained mixture of potting soil for houseplants.
Appearance: Monstera acacoyaguensis is characterized by its large, lobed leaves, which resemble those of Monstera deliciosa. However, its leaves can be larger and narrower.
Growth: Moderate to fast-growing, it can become an impressive climber over time.
Flowers: Like most Monstera, Monstera acacoyaguensis can produce flowers in the form of spathes, but it is mainly for its foliage that it is grown.
Toxicity: Like many plants in the Araceae family, it is toxic if ingested, so it is important to keep it out of reach of pets and children.

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