Euphorbia polygona cv. SnowFlake'.

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Euphorbia polygona cv. 'Snowflake' is an attractive variety of Euphorbia, known for its unique foliage reminiscent of a blanket of snow. This succulent plant is distinguished by its contrasting white spines and pale green ribs, offering a striking appearance that evokes the texture and color of fresh snow. This cultivar is particularly appreciated for its decorative appearance and ease of care.

Origin: Euphorbia polygona is native to South Africa, where it thrives in arid, sunny conditions. The 'Snowflake' variety has been selected for its unique characteristics and is widely grown in succulent collections around the world.

Growth: Euphorbia polygona 'Snowflake' is a moderate-growing plant that forms a cylindrical or slightly conical body with distinct ribs. It can reach a modest size, usually around 30-60 cm in height, making it an excellent plant for indoor or outdoor succulent collections in suitable climates.

Flowers: Like other euphorbias, 'Snowflake' can produce small, inconspicuous flowers, usually yellow or greenish in color. These flowers are often subtle and less spectacular than the spiny foliage, and are usually located near the tops of the stems.

Light: This plant prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light levels. It also benefits from a few hours of direct sunlight, especially if grown outdoors. Insufficient light can cause the plant to stretch, while excessive exposure to direct sunlight can burn the foliage.

Watering: Euphorbia polygona 'Snowflake' requires moderate watering, with complete drying of the substrate between waterings. During winter dormancy, reduce watering to avoid root rot.

Substrate: Well-draining soil is crucial to the health of this euphorbia. Use a cactus mix enriched with perlite or pumice to improve drainage and avoid water stagnation.

Toxicity: Like many Euphorbias, 'Snowflake' contains a latex that can be irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. It is toxic if ingested, so it is important to handle this plant with care, especially when pruning or repotting.

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