Epipremnum pinnatum

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Epipremnum pinnatum: Epipremnum pinnatum, also known as devil's creeper or pothos, is a popular tropical climber belonging to the Araceae family. It is prized for its dense foliage and heart-shaped leaves, which can become large and deeply incised or pinnate with age.

Origin: Native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Epipremnum pinnatum is adapted to a moist, shady environment, often growing in rainforests or as an epiphytic plant.

Growth: This plant is fast-growing and can reach considerable length, making it ideal for growing on trellises, stakes or hanging in baskets.

Flowers: Although grown primarily for its foliage, Epipremnum pinnatum can produce flowers in the form of a spadix surrounded by a spathe, but this is a rare occurrence in indoor cultivation.

Light: Prefers bright indirect light, but can tolerate moderate light levels. Too much direct light can burn the leaves.

Watering: Requires regular watering, keeping the soil evenly moist but not soggy. Avoid excess water to prevent root rot.

Substrate: A well-draining mix is essential. A mix of potting soil for indoor plants with perlite 

Temperature: Prefers moderate to warm temperatures and high humidity. Protect from extremely cold temperatures and drafts.

Toxicity: Epipremnum pinnatum is toxic if ingested, due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. Keep out of reach of children and pets.

potting soil for tropical plants