Begonia rex 'Red Splash

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Begonia rex 'Red Splash' is an attractive and unique houseplant, primarily appreciated for its colorful and distinctive foliage. It can add an exotic touch to your indoor space with its vibrant leaves.

Origin: Begonias rex, including 'Red Splash', are native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia.
Watering: Avoid saturation. Water when the top layer of soil begins to dry out.
Light: Prefers bright but indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as this can burn its delicate leaves.
Substrate: Use a well-aerated, well-drained potting soil.
Appearance: Begonia rex 'Red Splash' is distinguished by its large leaves in a variety of red patterns. The leaves are often marbled or spotted with red, giving them an attractive appearance.
Growth: These begonias are relatively slow-growing and retain their compact size. They are generally grown for their decorative leaves rather than their flowers.
Flowers: Although rex begonias can produce flowers, they are generally less spectacular than their leaves. The flowers are small and appear on flowering stems.
Toxicity: Begonias rex are considered toxic to pets, so it's best to keep them out of their reach.

Potting soil for tropical plants

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