Begonia rex Megalo 'Fedor

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Begonia rex Megalo 'Fedor' is an exceptional variety of Begonia rex, which is known for its beautifully colored and textured leaves. Here's how to care for this houseplant:

Origin: Begonia rex Megalo 'Fedor' is a hybrid variety of Begonia rex native to tropical Asia.
Watering: Water moderately and keep the substrate slightly moist, but avoid saturation. Begonia rex roots are sensitive to rot, so it's essential not to overwater.
Brightness: Place the plant in a bright spot with indirect bright light. Avoid direct sunlight, as this may burn the delicate leaves.
Substrate: Use a well-drained mix of potting soil for houseplants to promote good drainage.
Flower: Although Begonias rex can produce flowers, the 'Fedor' variety is mainly grown for its spectacular foliage.
Temperature: Maintain a constant room temperature, avoiding excessively low temperatures.
Growth: Begonia rex Megalo 'Fedor' is relatively slow-growing, forming a dense rosette of colorful leaves over time.
Toxicity: This plant can be toxic to pets if ingested, so it's best to keep it out of their reach.

Potting soil for tropical plants