Hoya pulchra

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Hoya pulchra is a species of the Apocynaceae family, belonging to the genus Hoya, commonly known as "porcelain flowers" or "wax plants". This climbing or drooping plant is appreciated for its attractive foliage and distinctive flowers, which can bring an exotic touch to any indoor space or greenhouse.

Origin: Hoya pulchra is native to tropical Asia, where it often grows as an epiphyte in rainforests, clinging to trees and rocks.
Growth: It is a moderate grower, producing long stems that can be supported by trellises or supports to encourage climbing, or left to droop elegantly in hanging baskets.
Leaves: Hoya pulchra leaves are generally dark green, glossy and thick, with an oval or elliptical shape. The foliage can sometimes show markings or variations in color, depending on light conditions.
Flowers: Hoya pulchra's flowers are its main attraction. They appear in compact umbels, composed of multiple small, star-shaped flowers, often fragrant. Flowers can be white, pink or reddish, often with contrasting centers. The flowers produce sticky nectar and have a waxy texture.
Light: Prefers bright but indirect light. Direct sunlight can be tolerated in the early morning or late afternoon, but too much light can burn the leaves.
Watering: As with many Hoyas, watering should be moderate. Allow the substrate to dry slightly between waterings, and avoid stagnant water to prevent root rot. Hoyas prefer high humidity.
Substrate: A well-draining mix is crucial. Use a houseplant or orchid mix, with a good proportion of perlite, sphagnum moss or bark to ensure drainage and aeration.
Temperature: Prefers warm temperatures and avoids freezing. Protect the plant from cold drafts.