Begonia rex 'Pink splash

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Begonia rex 'Pink Splash' is a variety of Begonia rex distinguished by its decorative, colorful foliage. As its name suggests, this variety features leaves with bright pink splashes or mottling against a dark green background, creating a striking visual contrast. The leaves are also characterized by their velvety texture and wavy edges, adding to the plant's aesthetic appeal.

Origin: Begonia rex are native to the subtropical and tropical regions of East Asia. The 'Pink Splash' variety has been developed specifically for its unique ornamental qualities, making it a popular choice among collectors and houseplant enthusiasts.
Growth: Begonia rex 'Pink Splash' is a moderate grower and can reach considerable height and width if growing conditions are optimal. However, it generally remains compact, making it ideal for growing in pots.
Flowers: Although grown primarily for its foliage, Begonia rex 'Pink Splash' can produce discreet flowers. The flowers are generally small and less spectacular than the leaves, and may not appear regularly in indoor cultivation.
Light: Prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate moderate light levels. Avoid direct sunlight, which can burn delicate leaves or fade colors.
Watering: Requires regular watering, keeping the substrate evenly moist but not soggy. Avoid excess water to prevent root rot and fungal diseases.
Substrate: A well-draining mix is crucial. Use a potting soil mix enriched with perlite or vermiculite to improve drainage.
Temperature: Prefers moderate temperatures and high humidity. Protect the plant from cold draughts and extreme temperature fluctuations.
Toxicity: Toxic plant.

Potting soil for tropical plants