Alocasia 'Ivory Coast'

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Alocasia 'Ivory Coast' is a deep green foliage houseplant with light veins. Its petioles are a beautiful pinkish-brown color, and its arrowhead-shaped leaves have fine white to light green veins. This plant is adaptable as a houseplant and has veined foliage interest. However, it is harmful to pets. Plant height is 24-36 inches, and plant needs include moderate light, moderate maintenance, preferred temperature of 60-85°F, medium water grade, high humidity and indoor potting soil container soil with good drainage.

This plant is best grown in pots indoors with bright, indirect light. It is important to maintain consistent conditions for watering, temperature and light to prevent leaf drop. Using an all-purpose potting mix with additional orchid bark and perlite is beneficial for Alocasias. The use of a humidifier is recommended to maintain a high level of humidity.