Aglaonema 'Red Army'

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Aglaonema 'Red Army' is a popular houseplant variety, known for its colorful foliage and easy care.

Origin: Native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, where it thrives under the forest canopy.
Growth: This variety of Aglaonema grows moderately and can reach considerable size indoors.
Flowers: Although grown primarily for its foliage, it can produce small, often inconspicuous white or cream flowers.
Light: Prefers bright but indirect light, and can tolerate lower light levels than other houseplants.
Watering: Requires moderate watering, allowing the soil to dry out partially between waterings.
Substrate: A well-drained potting soil rich in organic matter is ideal for this plant.
Temperature: Prefers warm temperatures and high humidity, but is fairly resistant to typical indoor conditions.
Toxicity: Toxic if ingested, causing mouth and stomach irritation in humans and pets.

Potting soil for tropical plants