Yucca balleyi var. intermedia

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Yucca baccata var. intermedia, a variety of Yucca, is renowned for its robustness and long, pointed leaves.

Origin: Native to the arid regions of North America, it is adapted to dry, sunny climates.
Growth: This variety of Yucca is slow-growing and generally forms a short trunk with a crown of stiff, pointed leaves.
Flowers: Produces clusters of white or cream flowers, often imposing and fragrant, which appear on long stems.
Light: Prefers full sun exposure, essential for healthy growth and abundant flowering.
Watering: Requires limited watering, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings.
Substrate: Well-drained soil is ideal, often a specific mix for cacti and succulents.
Temperature: Tolerates high temperatures and can withstand periods of cold, but must be protected from prolonged frost.
Toxicity: Non-toxic.

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