Sansevieria 'Night Owl

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Sansevieria 'Night Owl' is an attractive Sansevieria variety, appreciated for its hardiness and decorative foliage. This specific variety is distinguished by its thick, fleshy leaves, which are green with touches of creamy white or pale yellow, giving an elegant, subtle appearance, especially in low-light conditions.

Origin: Although Sansevierias are native to Africa and South Asia, the 'Night Owl' variety is probably the result of horticultural selections, designed for its particular aesthetic qualities.

Growth: Sansevieria 'Night Owl' has a slow to moderate growth habit. It generally forms clumps of upright leaves and can reach a moderate height, making it ideal for indoor spaces.

Flowers: Sansevierias can occasionally produce flowers, but this is rare and generally less spectacular than the foliage. Flowers, if they appear at all, are generally small and white or cream in color.

Light: Prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate low-light conditions, making it suitable for a variety of indoor locations.

Watering: Like most Sansevierias, moderate watering is necessary. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings to prevent root rot.

Substrate: Well-drained soil is essential. A mixture for cacti and succulents, with the addition of pumice or perlite, is ideal.

Temperature: Thrives in moderate to warm temperatures. Protect from frost and cold temperatures.

Toxicity: Sansevieria 'Night Owl' is toxic to pets and humans if ingested. 

potting soil for succulents