Sansevieria kirkii cv. Cleopatra

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Sansevieria kirkii cv. Cleopatra' is an exceptionally attractive cultivated variety of Sansevieria, appreciated for its decorative foliage and compact form. Cleopatra' is the result of meticulous selection work and is known for its intricate patterns and unique leaf texture. This plant is distinguished by its thick, broad, wavy leaves, which feature a combination of dark green with lighter green horizontal markings and reddish-brown margins.

Origin: Although the parent species, Sansevieria kirkii, is native to East Africa, the 'Cleopatra' variety was specifically developed by horticulturists for its ornamental characteristics.
Growth: 'Cleopatra' is slow-growing and forms dense rosettes that can eventually expand to form larger groups. Its compact growth and elegant form make it an excellent choice for indoor spaces.
Flowers: Like other members of the Sansevieria genus, 'Cleopatra' can produce upright flower stalks bearing tubular, white or cream flowers. Flowering is rare in indoor cultivation and usually occurs on mature plants.
Light: Prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate moderate light levels. Too much direct light can cause leaf discoloration.
Watering: Requires moderate watering. Allow substrate to dry completely between waterings to avoid root rot.
Substrate: Well-draining soil is crucial. Use a succulent mix.
Toxicity: Sansevieria kirkii 'Cleopatra', like other Sansevierias, can be toxic to pets and humans if ingested, due to the presence of saponins. We recommend keeping it out of reach of children and pets.


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