Adenium obesum 'Picotee

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Adenium obesum 'Picotee' is a captivating variety of desert rose, admired for its spectacular blooms that present a striking contrast between bright red edges and white or pink centers. This variety is particularly appreciated by collectors for its distinctive flowering and robust habit.

Origin: Like other members of the Adenium family, 'Picotee' is native to arid regions of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, where it is adapted to hot, dry climates.

Growth: Adenium obesum 'Picotee' is characterized by its thick caudex and sturdy branches supporting glossy green leaves. This plant can reach heights of 1 to 3 meters in optimal conditions, although its growth is generally slower and more compact as a houseplant.

Flowers: The most striking feature of 'Picotee' is its dramatic flowers, which appear mainly in the warmer summer months. The large, trumpet-shaped flowers draw attention with their distinctive red edges that fade into a white or pink center, creating a striking visual effect.

Light: This plant requires full sun exposure to thrive and produce an abundance of flowers. Indoors, place it near a window that receives plenty of direct light, or consider using artificial light to supplement light requirements.

Watering: As a succulent, Adenium 'Picotee' requires little water. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce watering in winter to match its dormant period.

Substrate: Use a well-draining mix, ideal for cacti and succulents. The substrate should include components such as coconut fibre, bark of various sizes, pumice, perlite and charcoal to ensure effective drainage and prevent root rot.

Toxicity: Adenium obesum 'Picotee' is toxic if swallowed, and can be irritating to skin and mucous membranes due to the latex it contains. Take precautions, especially around children and pets.

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