Stromanthe 'Sanguinea'

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Stromanthe sanguinea is an attractive tropical plant appreciated for its spectacular, colorful foliage. An excellent houseplant, its leaves add an exotic touch to any space.

Origin: Native to the tropical rainforests of Brazil, Stromanthe sanguinea thrives in warm, humid conditions under the canopy of trees, making it ideal for indoor planting.

Growth: This plant is an herbaceous perennial that can reach heights of 60-90 cm. It forms tufts of upright leaves, each emerging from a short underground trunk or rhizome.

Flowers: Stromanthe sanguinea can produce flowers, but they are generally small and less impressive than the foliage. Flowers are often white and appear on short spikes.

Light: Prefers bright indirect light, but can tolerate medium light. Direct sunlight can cause leaf burn, while insufficient light can lead to a loss of vividness in leaf color.

Watering: Requires regular watering, keeping the substrate constantly moist but not soggy. Stromanthe sanguinea likes high humidity, so misting the leaves or using a humidifier can help mimic its natural environment.

Substrate: A well-draining potting mix is essential. Use a substrate rich in organic matter, such as a tropical plant mix, which retains moisture while allowing good drainage.

Toxicity: Stromanthe sanguinea is considered non-toxic to humans and pets, making it safe for use in home environments.

Stromanthe 'Sanguinea' is a fantastic houseplant for those looking to add visual impact with an easy-care plant. Its colorful foliage and tolerance of diverse light conditions make it a popular choice for living spaces and offices, where it can really bring a tropical jungle feel.

potting soil for tropical plants

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