Scindapsus 'Jade satin'

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Scindapsus Pictus 'Jade Satin' is a unique and beautiful houseplant species that is easy to care for. It prefers indirect light and can be placed in any room with a bright window. It is recommended to keep a distance of 3 to 6 feet between the plant and the nearest light source.

For watering, it is important to let the soil almost completely dry before the next watering. On average, it is enough to water once a week. The average home environment with normal humidity is perfect for this plant.

Scindapsus Pictus 'Jade Satin' is distinguished by its rich emerald green leaves with no silver spots. Instead, the leaves have subtle green veins and a brilliant sheen. This species grows as a climber and can climb and hang. Although it is slow growing and takes a little longer to radiculate, patience is worth it for this rare and beautiful plant.