Rhipsalis burchellii

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Rhipsalis burchellii is a unique epiphytic plant belonging to the cactus family. It is distinguished by its delicate, pendulous appearance, making it an excellent choice for hanging baskets or shelves. Here are a few key characteristics:

Origin: Native to the tropical regions of South America, Rhipsalis burchellii prefers warm, humid conditions.
Watering: Practice moderate watering and avoid letting the substrate become soggy. It tolerates partial drying between waterings.
Brightness: Place the plant in a bright spot with indirect light. It can also tolerate light exposure to morning sun.
Substrate: Use a well-draining potting mix to promote good growth.
Stems: The stems of Rhipsalis burchellii are slender, segmented and pendulous, creating an attractive cascading effect.
Temperature: It prefers warm temperatures and does not tolerate cold temperatures.
Growth: This plant has a pendulous growth habit and can expand considerably over time.
Toxicity: Non-toxic.

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