Peperomia verticillata 'Belly Button

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Peperomia verticillata 'Belly Button' is a charming variety of Peperomia, appreciated for its decorative, compact foliage. This particular houseplant is distinguished by its small, round, deeply green leaves that grow in dense rosettes, giving the plant a bushy, attractive appearance. The 'Belly Button' variety takes its name from the unique shape of the leaves, which appear to be bent or sunken in the center, evoking the appearance of a belly button.

Origin: Peperomia verticillata is native to the tropical regions of South America, where it grows in damp, shady forests. The 'Belly Button' variety has been selected for its unique characteristics and compact size, making it an excellent choice for indoor cultivation.
Growth: 'Belly Button' has a moderate growth habit. It remains relatively small, making it ideal for small spaces such as offices, windowsills or as a terrarium plant.
Flowers: Like other Peperomia species, 'Belly Button' can produce discreet, elongated flower spikes, but the flowers are not usually the main attraction of this plant. Flowering is modest and does not significantly affect the aesthetic appearance of the plant.
Light: Prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate low to moderate light levels. Avoid direct exposure to intense sunlight, which can burn leaves.
Watering: Requires moderate watering. Allow substrate to dry slightly between waterings to prevent overhydration and root rot. Peperomia verticillata 'Belly Button' prefers a slightly humid environment but does not like wet feet.
Substrate: Well-draining soil is essential. Use a houseplant mix with perlite or vermiculite to improve drainage.
Temperature: Prefers moderate temperatures and high humidity, similar to its natural tropical habitat. Avoid cold draughts and sudden temperature changes.