Braided Dracaena sanderiana

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Dracaena sanderiana, often called "Lucky Bamboo", is a popular houseplant, known for its upright growth and ease of care.

Origin: Native to the tropical regions of West Africa, it is adapted to humid, shady environments.
Growth: This plant has moderate growth and develops straight or curved stems with fine, pointed leaves.
Flowers: It rarely flowers indoors, being grown mainly for its foliage and decorative stems.
Light: Prefers medium light but can tolerate low light levels. Direct sunlight can damage its leaves. Exposure to direct sunlight can damage its leaves.
Watering: Can be grown in water or in a damp substrate. If planted in soil, requires regular watering to keep the substrate evenly moist.
Substrate: A well-drained potting mix is suitable if grown in a pot, but it can also thrive in a vase of water.
Temperature: Tolerates a range of indoor temperatures, but must be protected from extremely cold temperatures and draughts.
Toxicity: Dracaena sanderiana is toxic to cats and dogs if ingested, causing vomiting, excessive salivation and sometimes loss of appetite.

Potting soil for indoor plants