Begonia rex 'Lavender

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Begonia rex 'Lavender' is a variety of Begonia rex, appreciated for its decorative, colorful foliage. This variety is distinguished by its large leaves with captivating textures and patterns, offering a mix of colors where lavender, green, silver and sometimes touches of pink blend harmoniously. The leaves often have a slightly fluffy surface and a metallic or iridescent appearance, making them particularly attractive in the right light.

Origin: Begonia rex are native to the subtropical and tropical regions of the eastern Himalayas, India, Burma and China. Lavender' is the result of horticultural selections aimed at obtaining particularly aesthetic foliage.
Growth: Begonia rex 'Lavender' has a moderate growth habit. It is generally grown as a houseplant for its ornamental foliage, forming compact clumps that can reach a medium size.
Flowers: Although Begonia rex can produce flowers, they are often considered less spectacular than the foliage and are not the plant's main attraction.
Light: Prefers bright indirect light. Direct sunlight, especially in the afternoon, can burn delicate leaves.
Watering: Requires regular watering, keeping the soil evenly moist but not soggy. Good drainage is crucial to avoid root rot.
Substrate: A well-draining mix is ideal. A mix of houseplant potting soil with perlite or peat moss is often recommended to promote good drainage while retaining sufficient moisture.
Temperature: Prefers moderate temperatures and high humidity. Protect from cold and avoid draughts.
Toxicity: Non-toxic plant.

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