Peperomia 'Pixie'

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Peperomia 'Pixie', often also called Peperomia orba 'Pixie' or Peperomia 'Teardrop', is an attractive variety of Peperomia. It is renowned for its compact foliage and small, round, glossy leaves, which can feature a vibrant green color, sometimes with touches of yellow or cream. This plant is popular for its modest size and ease of cultivation, making it ideal for small spaces and offices.

Origin: Although the exact species of origin of 'Pixie' is unclear, Peperomias in general are native to the tropical regions of Central and South America.
Growth: Peperomia 'Pixie' is slow to moderate growing and remains relatively small.
Flowers: Peperomias can produce inflorescences in the form of long, rat-tail-like spikes, but these are generally inconspicuous and less spectacular than the foliage.
Light: Prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate moderate light levels. Avoid direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves.
Watering: Requires moderate watering. Allow soil to dry slightly between waterings. Avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.
Substrate: A well-draining mix is important. A potting soil mix for indoor plants is often recommended.
Temperature: Prefers moderate temperatures and can tolerate relatively low humidity, making it easy to grow indoors.
Toxicity: Non-toxic.

Potting soil for tropical plants

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