
Displaying 2117 products
Plectranthus incense f. Variegata
Out of stock
Begonia rex Jurassic 'Watermelon
Out of stock
Begonia rex 'Evy
Out of stock
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis cajun 'Stolen Kiss
Out of stock
Calathea purple rose
Starting at $9.99
Calathea purple rose
Out of stock
Monvillea spegazzinii f. cristata
Out of stock
Epipremnum amplissimum 'Silver
Out of print -33%
Calathea Medaillon Tropical
Out of stock
Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea
Out of stock
Mixed Conophytum
Out of stock
Cereus azureus
Out of stock
Haworthia chloracantha
Out of stock
Sedum rubrotinctum
Out of stock
Crassula Platyphylla
Out of stock
Crassula Ovata "Gollum"
Out of stock
Aloe Aristata Magic
Starting at $9.99
Aloe aristata cv. Magic
Out of stock
Dieffenbachia 'Rudolph
Out of stock
Ceropegia africana
Out of stock
Bougainvillea 'Blueberry ice'
Out of stock
Spathiphyllum silver streak
Out of stock
Calathea 'Yellow Fusion
Out of stock