Eggplant Hybrid Seeds ALONZO F1

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  • This is an early-maturing variety.
  • This eggplant is of the Italian type and is black in color.
  • Fruits average 18 cm long and 5.5 cm wide.
  • They have an elongated cylindrical shape.
  • Fruit color is an attractive, glossy dark black.
  • The seeds are hybrids.
  • These seeds are natural, untreated and contain no genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

In late winter or early spring, sow two seeds per pot, 5 mm deep. Cover, label and water well. Keep them at around 20°C in a propagator or under a plastic bag on a warm windowsill. Once germinated, expose them to light on a windowsill at at least 15°C and transfer them to 9 cm diameter pots 5 cm high.

To plant,harden the plants before planting them in the ground after frost. Warm the soil under a horticultural blanket. Plant in full sun, 45 cm apart or 30 cm apart for dwarf varieties. Use 20 cm diameter pots or grow bags for outdoor cultivation, or indoors near a bright window.

Use support rods to tie up growing plants, preventing fruit from touching the ground, reducing disease and improving shape, especially for elongated varieties. It also makes harvesting easier.

Pinch off the first flowers at budding to encourage stronger stem and root growth. Disinfect pruning tools to prevent the spread of disease. Thin the leaves of a dense plant to prevent fungal disease, and remove old leaves from the bottom. Leave 5 to 6 fruits per plant for larger eggplant varieties.

Water regularly in hot weather and daily for potted plants. Spray foliage after flowering to encourage fruiting. Use a liquid tomato fertilizer once the first fruits have formed, feeding weekly.

Harvest eggplants when the fruit is fleshy, smooth and shiny, using secateurs to cut the stem.