Calathea 'Gecko'

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Calathea 'Gecko' is a particularly attractive variety of Calathea, renowned for its unique foliage that captures the essence of tropical beauty. Like all Calatheas, it is native to the rainforests of South America, where these plants thrive under the forest canopy, benefiting from filtered light and high humidity. Gecko' is distinguished by its shiny, oval leaves, with a complex, contrasting pattern of dark and pale green, sometimes evoking the colors and patterns of a gecko's skin.

Origin: Calathea 'Gecko' shares its heritage with other members of the Marantaceae family, all native to the humid tropics of South America. This variety has been selected for its unique aesthetic qualities, particularly its decorative foliage.

Growth: This plant grows moderately, forming a compact, bushy shrub that can add a touch of exuberant greenery to any indoor space. Its leaves open during the day and close slightly in the evening, a movement known as nyctinasty.

Flowers: Although flowering is rare indoors and generally considered secondary to foliage, Calathea 'Gecko' can occasionally produce small, discreet flowers. However, it is its spectacular foliage that is truly valued.

Light: Prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate lower light levels. Direct sunlight can burn its delicate leaves and discolor its distinctive foliage pattern.

Watering: The soil should be kept moist, but not soggy. Regular watering with room-temperature water helps maintain soil moisture, without saturating the substrate.

Substrate: A well-draining potting mix is essential. A tropical plant substrate, enriched with perlite, will ensure good drainage while retaining the moisture necessary for this moisture-loving plant.

Toxicity: Calatheas are generally considered non-toxic to humans and pets, making them an excellent choice for homes.

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