Conophytum wittebergense x obcordellum

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Origin: The parents of this hybrid, Conophytum wittebergense and obcordellum, are native to South Africa. They belong to the Aizoaceae family and are adapted to arid conditions.

Growth: Conophytum hybrids are generally slow-growing and compact, forming clumps or clusters of small, fleshy leaves.

Flowers: Conophytums typically bloom with small, often colorful flowers. Flowering usually occurs in autumn or winter, with variations depending on growing conditions.

Light: Prefer bright light.

Watering: Like most succulents, this hybrid requires moderate watering. Allow the substrate to dry out completely between waterings, and reduce watering in winter during the dormant period.

Substrate: Requires well-draining soil. A mix for cacti and succulents is ideal, with components such as sand or perlite to improve drainage.

Temperature: Prefer temperate to warm temperatures during the growing season, and cooler in winter. Protect from frost.

Toxicity: There is no specific information on the toxicity of this Conophytum hybrid. However, it is always best to keep plants out of the reach of children and pets.

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