Cephalocereus senilis

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Cephalocereus senilis, commonly known as the old man's cactus, is a species of cactus remarkable for its unique appearance. Native to Mexico, this cactus is best known for the long white hairs that cover its dark green column, giving the impression of dense white hair, hence its name.

Origin: Cephalocereus senilis is native to the arid regions and mountains of Mexico, where it thrives in hot, dry climatic conditions.

Growth: Cephalocereus senilis is slow-growing and can reach heights of up to 15 meters in its natural habitat, although it generally remains smaller in cultivation. It develops one or more upright columns that can eventually produce branches.

Flowers: This cactus produces nocturnal flowers that open only at night. The cream or pale pink flowers usually appear in summer and are followed by red fruits, although flowering is rare in indoor cultivation.

Light: Cephalocereus senilis needs full, direct sunlight to thrive. It is ideal for rock gardens or sunny areas of a house where it can receive several hours of direct light each day.

Watering: Like many cacti, Cephalocereus senilis is drought tolerant and requires little water. Watering should be moderate, allowing the substrate to dry out completely between waterings. In winter, reduce watering to allow the plant to go into dormancy.

Substrate: A well-draining mix is essential for Cephalocereus senilis. Use a cactus substrate that provides excellent drainage to prevent root rot, incorporating materials such as perlite or pumice.

Toxicity: Cephalocereus senilis is not toxic to humans or pets, but its spines can be very sharp and should be handled with care to avoid injury.

Our homemade potting soil for Cactus