Alocasia zebrina

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Alocasia zebrina is a remarkable tropical plant belonging to the Araceae family. It is particularly prized for its exuberant foliage and distinctive stems, which feature a striped pattern reminiscent of a zebra's skin, hence the name. This species stands out not only for the decorative appearance of its stems, but also for its large, arrow- or heart-shaped leaves of deep, glossy green, which can add a touch of lush jungle to any interior space.

Origin: Alocasia zebrina is native to the Philippines, where it grows in tropical rainforests. Its natural habitat gives it a preference for warm, humid environments.
Growth: This plant has a moderate growth habit and can reach a significant height indoors, often around 1 metre or more in ideal conditions. It forms a single vertical trunk from which the leaves emerge.
Flowers: Although flowering is possible, it is rare in indoor cultivation and is generally not the plant's main attraction. Flowers, when they do appear, are typical of Araceae, with a spadix surrounded by a spathe, but are often less spectacular than the foliage.
Light: Prefers bright indirect light. Direct sunlight, especially during the hottest hours, can burn the leaves. A location near an east- or west-facing window is ideal.
Watering: Alocasia zebrina requires regular watering to keep the substrate evenly moist but not soggy. Good drainage is crucial to prevent root rot. Reduce watering in winter.
Substrate: A well-draining mix is essential. A substrate for tropical plants, enriched with organic matter and including perlite or vermiculite, can promote good plant health.
Temperature: Prefers warm temperatures, with a minimum of 15°C. Avoid cold draughts and sudden temperature changes.
Humidity: Alocasia zebrina appreciates high humidity. Regular spraying or the use of a humidifier can help maintain the necessary humidity.
Toxicity: Toxic plant.

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