Alocasia 'Lukiwan'

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This plant, with its large, elegant leaves, is a striking specimen for any interior space. Its dark green foliage with contrasting veins creates a striking visual effect. Adapted to humid environments, Alocasia 'Lukiwan' brings a touch of the tropical jungle into your home.

Origin: Native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and Australia, adapted to a warm, humid climate.
Growth: Rapid growth under optimal conditions, forming large, distinctive leaves.
Flowers: Although the emphasis is on its foliage, Alocasia 'Lukiwan' can produce flowers. These are generally small, less spectacular than the leaves and rarely appear in indoor conditions.
Light: Bright indirect light preferred, avoid direct sunlight.
Watering: Regular watering
Substrate: Well-draining mix of potting soil for houseplants.
Temperature: Warm temperatures between 18°C and 25°C, avoid temperatures below 15°C.
Toxicity: Toxic if ingested, contains calcium oxalate crystals.

Potting soil for tropical plants