Albuca bracteata

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Albuca bracteata is a fascinating bulbous plant native to South Africa, known for its unique flowers and ornamental foliage. Part of the Asparagaceae family, this plant is distinguished by its ability to develop babies under its epidermis, which emerge once the outer leaf has died. It's because of this characteristic that it's commonly called 'Pregnant Onion'.

Origin: Albuca bracteata is endemic to the arid and semi-arid regions of South Africa, where it is accustomed to periods of drought alternating with rainy seasons.

Growth: This plant grows from a bulb and produces linear, often curled or twisted leaves, which add visual interest even outside the flowering season. Foliage can reach a modest height, while flower stems can stand well above the foliage when in bloom.

Flowers: Albuca bracteata flowers usually appear in spring or early summer. 

Light: Prefers bright exposure with a few hours of direct sunlight.

Watering: Albuca bracteata requires moderate watering and a well-draining substrate to prevent bulb rot. 

Substrate: A well-draining mix is crucial to this plant's health. A succulent substrate is suitable.

Toxicity: May be toxic to humans and animals. 

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