Low maintenance succulents: Aloe and Sansevieria

Low Maintenance Succulents: Aloe and Sansevieria

Apr 18, 2023Jean-Michel Tremblay

Have you always wanted to add a touch of nature to your interior, but are worried about not having a green thumb? Aloe and Sansevieria might change your mind, as they are low maintenance, so are ideal for beginners or busy gardeners.

Aloe: beauty and simplicity

Aloe is a succulent plant much appreciated for its aesthetic appearance and its medicinal properties. There are more than 500 species of Aloe, some of which are very popular, such as Aloe Vera, often used for its moisturizing and soothing properties in cosmetics and herbal medicine. These plants are also very easy to care for, making them an ideal choice for people who are new to the world of houseplants.

Sansevieria: the infallible plant

Sansevieria, also known as "mother-in-law's tongue," is another succulent perfect for those looking for a low-maintenance houseplant. Belonging to the Asparagaceae family, it is native to Africa, Asia and Oceania. Its long, erect leaves and ability to withstand low light conditions make it an ideal choice for indoor spaces. Additionally, some studies suggest that Sansevieria can help purify the surrounding air by absorbing toxins.

Location and brightness

For these plants, choose a bright location, but without direct sunlight, as this could burn their leaves. If you have little light in your home, don't worry: they can adapt to low light conditions. However, too little light could slow down their growth and weaken the plant, especially variegated varieties which produce less chlorophyll.

Watering and drainage

Water your plant only when the soil is completely dry, usually every two to three weeks. They are drought tolerant plants, so it is better to water them less often than too often. To check if your plant needs water, stick your finger into the soil up to the second knuckle. If the soil is dry, you can water. When you water, basin your pot so that the water soaks all the soil well and never leave stagnant water in the saucer or pot to prevent the roots from rotting.

Fertilizer and repotting

Aloe and Sansevieria do not need much fertilization. A supply of liquid fertilizer for cacti and succulents or a fertilizer based on marine algae diluted in the watering water once per two waterings, from March to October, is more than sufficient. Regarding repotting, it is usually necessary every two years, when the roots begin to fill the pot well and run out of space. These plants need well-draining soil to prevent root rot. Opt for a special succulent potting mix containing lots of pumice.

Parasites and diseases

Indoor succulents can be attacked by pests, such as mealybugs or aphids. Inspect your plants regularly and treat them with a suitable insecticide in the event of an infestation. Fungal diseases, often caused by excess moisture, can also affect succulents. Prevent these problems by respecting the watering needs of your plants and ensuring good air circulation around them.

Some varieties to discover

Sansevieria hahnii Sansevieria masoniana Sansevieria francisii

Hybrid Aloe Thai Aloe 'Blue Elf' Aloe 'White fox'

In conclusion, Aloe and Sansevieria are ideal succulents for people looking for low-maintenance houseplants. Thanks to their ability to adapt to various light conditions and their limited water and fertilizer requirements, these plants will beautify your interior without requiring a lot of effort.

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