Some tips for creating a flower bed

Some tips for creating a flower bed

Jun 27, 2022Mario Lavoie

An eye-catching flower bed is one that elegantly combines shrubs, perennials and annuals. We tend to forget how shrubs can be an interesting feature in a composition. They provide both structure and height and this is particularly remarkable when the perennials will be dormant in winter or just emerging from the ground in spring. Grasses are also a great winter attraction.

For a balanced layout, choose either warm colors (red, yellow, orange) or cool colors (blue, purple, pink). Incorporating a few white flowers into the design will reduce the effect of being too hot or too cold and can give a little contrast to your design. For a flowerbed to be harmonious, it is better to limit the colors and stay within the same palette. We must avoid the "pizza effect".

It is important to think about the flowering period of your perennials when choosing them. Some flower in April-May, others in June-July, then others from August to October. A good idea is to leave space in your landscape to add long-blooming annuals, which bloom from June to October, for example.

For a flowerbed to be successful, it is good to vary the shapes and heights. There are plants with a rather round appearance, some are tall and narrow, others are flared, creeping, conical in shape, etc. Consider creating movement in your composition.

Also play with the textures of your plants. Some plants have coarser textures and others finer.

Include some plants with colorful foliage for color all season long.

Add structures to flower beds. A statue, a birdbath, a bench, a few rocks or a tree stump can brighten up the flowerbeds.

Let your imagination be free.

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