October is the ideal time to plant your garlic!

The month of October, the ideal time to plant your garlic!

Oct 09, 2020Mario Lavoie

For successful garlic

A family of four consumes 1 to 2 kilos of garlic per year. People are snapping it up at the grocery store and markets. It's a good idea to sow some in your garden this fall. You will be independent and will make people around you jealous.

In a few weeks it will be time to sow garlic to harvest it next summer. Allium, its nickname, from the Alliaceae family, is native to Central Asia. In Quebec it is experiencing unprecedented popularity.

There are over 600 varieties worldwide. Nearly fifty are grown in Quebec. The most common variety is Music (Porcelain group): rustic, tasty, spicy, but sweet. It was named after Al Music, who introduced it to Canada. It generally has 4 to 8 cloves (pods) and has a hard stem.

When garlic is sown in mid-October, the roots will have time to form before the soil freezes deep. Well protected, it will germinate in the spring when the temperature warms and it will grow until it is harvested around the end of July. Garlic needs a period of cold (vernalization) to complete its growth cycle.

General rules, large cloves are sown to obtain large bulbs the following year. BUT the size of the cloves is not the only criterion for success. Soil quality, weeding, fertilization, genetics, temperature, sunlight and quantity of water are all important.

Amend and fertilize

The quality of the soil is the essential element for establishing a garden. In the fall, adding organic matter is a guarantee of success. Marine compost orforestcompost are excellent choices for bringing the soil back to life.

Fertilize when planting or during the season

It is easy to fertilize when sowing (a dose of dehydrated chicken manure fertilizer or Bionik Rooter are products of choice).

However, remember to also fertilize at the start of growth, when the leaves emerge from the ground. Acadie fish emulsion, an element that is quickly assimilated in cool temperatures, Bionik liquid algae, which provide growth hormones, and Bionik natural fruit and vegetable fertilizer will provide what you need to get the hot season off to a good start.

Simple measurements to remember, 3-6-12.

In well-prepared, rich soil that drains well, remember these numbers, 3, 6 and 12.

3 inches (1.5 cm) deep, 6 inches (15 cm) between plants, 12 inches (30 cm) between rows.

Horticultural calendar for garlic


Weed, turn the soil, add compost


Amend, Fertilize (Bionik, Actisol, Acadie), sow



April May

Weed, fertilize, BTK


Weed, fertilize, cut garlic flowers


Fresh garlic, weed, harvest


Dry, consume, green manure


Rototilling, burying green manure


The leek moth does little damage, but sometimes more serious damage. If an attack occurs in your crops, you will observe holes or galleries left by the larvae on the leaves of your alliaceae. Flat leaves, like those of leeks, will often be ravaged by small holes, with the larva mining down to the more tender central leaves. Hollow stems, such as those of chives or onions, will rather be nibbled from the inside by the larva, leaving the tissues thinned and practically translucent.

Two effective ways are available to combat leek moth:

BTK ( Bacillus thuringiensis ), a bacteria harmless to humans, is available in garden centers. You can apply it when you see the little worms appear on the leaves (often in May).

The use of anti-insect netting is a way to prevent butterflies from laying their eggs on the foliage, an effective barrier to counter these insects.

Preserving garlic

To properly store your garlic, avoid humidity and cold. Cold rooms, refrigerators, garages and sheds should be avoided. The temperature and humidity level must remain as stable as possible.

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