Monstera deliciosa 'Thai constellation

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Monstera deliciosa 'Thai Constellation' is a Monstera variety that is highly prized for its spectacular variegated leaves. This popular houseplant is distinguished by its large green leaves adorned with cream spots and mottles, reminiscent of a starry sky, hence the name 'Thai Constellation'.

Origin: Although Monstera deliciosa is native to the tropical forests of Central America, the 'Thai Constellation' variety was developed specifically for its variegation characteristics. It was first propagated in Thailand, which explains the origin of its name.

Growth: Monstera 'Thai Constellation' is a climber that can grow to great heights under the right conditions, with stems that can develop several meters in length. It is often supported by stakes or moss poles to encourage vertical growth.

Flowers: Like the classic Monstera deliciosa, 'Thai Constellation' can produce flowers, but this is a rare event indoors. The flowers are arum-like, with a spadix surrounded by a white spathe.

Light: This Monstera variant prefers bright indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn the variegated leaves, while a lack of light can reduce the contrast of the variegation.

Watering: Water regularly, allowing the substrate to dry out slightly between waterings. Thai Constellation' appreciates humidity, but it's important to avoid soil saturation to prevent root rot.

Substrate: Use a well-draining potting mix, ideal for indoor plants. Add perlite, pumice, bark or coconut fibre to improve drainage while retaining the moisture the plant needs.

Toxicity: Monstera deliciosa 'Thai Constellation' contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can make it irritating and potentially toxic if the leaves are ingested by pets or children.

Monstera 'Thai Constellation' is an exceptional houseplant, sought after for its unique foliage and relatively simple care. It is particularly appreciated in modern settings, where its variegated foliage can really shine as the focal point of a room or indoor green space.

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