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Kanuma is a type of Japanese volcanic soil that is widely used in horticulture, particularly for growing acid-loving plants such as azaleas, rhododendrons and camellias. It is extracted from the Kanuma region of Japan, hence its name. 

Kanuma has a light, granular texture that promotes good soil drainage and aeration. It is naturally acidic, with a low pH, making it an ideal substrate for plants that prefer an acidic growing environment. Kanuma's unique properties include:

  1. Natural acidity: Kanuma's acidic pH between 4.5 and 5.5 is suitable for acid-loving plants such as azaleas and rhododendrons. It creates an environment conducive to the healthy growth of these plants, which require acidic soil.

  2. Drainage and aeration: Kanuma's porous structure allows excellent water drainage, preventing roots from drowning, while providing adequate aeration.

  3. Water retention: Although Kanuma drains well, it can also retain a certain amount of water to ensure constant soil moisture.

  4. Nutrient supply: Kanuma slowly releases essential minerals and nutrients to plants as they decompose, contributing to their growth.