Begonia angel wing 'Benigo pink

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Begonia Angel Wing 'Benigo Pink' is a charming variety of angel wing begonias, prized for its distinctive leaves and abundant flowering. Here are some key features of this plant:

Origin: Angel-wing begonias, including 'Benigo Pink', are hybrid plants obtained from begonias native to the tropical regions of South America.
Watering: It prefers moderate, regular watering, taking care not to let the substrate become too dry between waterings.
Light: This plant thrives in bright indirect light, but avoid direct sunlight, especially in summer.
Substrate: Use a well-draining potting soil for houseplants.
Flower: When in flower, 'Benigo Pink' produces clusters of bright pink or pink flowers that resemble crinkled petals. Flowering is usually abundant and adds a splash of color to the plant.
Temperature: It prefers moderate temperatures, between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius, and should be protected from cold temperatures.
Growth: This variety of begonia has vigorous growth and can become quite large over time.
Toxicity: Begonias are generally considered toxic to pets and humans if ingested, so it's best to keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Potting soil for tropical plants

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