Alocasia 'Azlanii

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Alocasia azlanii is a houseplant with green leaves with purple, dark or black veins. The new leaves of this plant slowly unfurl and become waxy with deep iridescent green and purple or red veins as they mature. This is a wonderful choice of plant for any nature lover.

This plant, which is one of the 97 species of Alocasia known in the world, is recently being cultivated on a large scale. Learn how to care for this plant and where to find it so you can become its new owner.

Alocasia azlanii prefers well-draining, aerated potting soil that can hold water. The plant's roots need oxygen to stay healthy. Mix cocco bark, pumice, potting soil and activated charcoal for ideal soil. Keep an eye on the soil moisture level and keep it slightly moist, as this plant does not like dry soil.

Like any other plant, Alocasia azlanii needs water, but be careful not to drown it to avoid root rot. Check the soil twice a week and water if the first inch is dry. Make sure the pot has drainage holes to drain off excess water. Insufficient watering can also damage the plant, causing the leaves to turn yellow and sag.

Alocasia azlanii excels in bright indirect light, but can also handle a few hours of morning sun. Avoid direct sunlight, which can damage its beautiful leaves.

The ideal temperature for this tropical plant is 18 to 24 degrees Celsius. Although Alocasia azlanii can survive temperature changes, it does not like to be exposed to cold air, which can put it under stress and make it more vulnerable to diseases and pests.

Alocasia azlanii thrives best in a high humidity climate of 60% and above. Low humidity levels can stunt growth or cause stress to the plant.