Planting the trees

Did you know that it is possible to plant trees, shrubs and flowers all summer long? 

 There is no limit to what you can do to meet the needs of your plants. The most important thing is to ensure that you provide sufficient watering, especially in the month following planting. For example, when the weather is sunny for several days in a row, it is appropriate to water heavily at least three times a week. Water until the soil is saturated, to a depth of at least 6 inches. When you see that the water no longer penetrates the soil, you are there! You can scratch the surface of the soil a bit to check the moisture content if you are not sure if you watered enough the first few times. You can also spray the foliage on very hot days. If you have a sprinkler system, check the flow rate to see if you are watering properly and how long to water. 


Have you always wondered how to plant a tree properly? 

Here are a few tips to ensure the success of your planting. 

You should make a planting pit twice as wide as the container of your tree. This pit should not be deeper than the height of your pot. It is very important that the soil level is not higher than the collar (the junction between the trunk, or stems, and the roots) of your tree (this also applies to shrubs, perennials and annuals).

Before placing your tree in the pit, it is important to apply mycorrhizae directly to the roots. Mycorrhizae form a network of filaments that increase the plants' ability to absorb water from the soil as well as nutrients such as phosphorus, copper and zinc that would otherwise be unavailable to the root system.

As with any plant you plant, the quality of the substrate you use for your tree or shrub planting is critical to its success. We recommend the use of a planting mix. We recommend adding compost (ratio 1 compost : 4 parts soil). If your soil is clayey, use Biofor forestry compost. This forestry compost improves the structure of loamy soils while providing essential nutrients for healthy and vigorous growth. Being rich in organic matter and aerated at the same time, your potting soil will be the ideal substrate to encourage root development.

You should make sure that no air remains in your planting pit by pressing your feet well around the trunk after you have thrown in your first shovelful of soil and again at the very end when you have filled the planting pit. 

We recommend making a doughnut-shaped trough with mulch or potting soil at the base of your tree, which will help to keep the soil moist for longer. For the first watering, you can fill this trough two or three times to give your tree a good start.